Description of Rose Wood
Pterocarpus erinaceous is a medium-sized, generally deciduous tree 12-15 m tall, bole often of poor form, strongly fluted and gnarled, with numerous, plank-like buttresses; bark surface finely scaly fissured, brown-blackish, inner bark thin, producing red sap when cut; crown dense, domed; branchless often lenticel led; indumentum of simple, usually short and adpressed hairs. Old trees often hollow. Leaves alternate, imparipinnate, up to 30 cm long; stipules generally small, linear or narrowly triangular, usually early caduceus; up to 11 leaflets, alternate or sometimes sub opposite, entire. Inflorescence paniculate; bracts and bracteoles small, linear to narrowly triangular. Flowers bisexual, irregular; calyx 5 mm long, turbinate to campanulate, 5-lobed, the upper 2 lobes usually larger, sometimes united; petals 5, free, clawed, 10-12 mm, generally yellow, glabrous or sparsely hairy outside, standard obovate to spatulate, keels shorter than the wings and connate at the base. Fruit a compressed indehiscent pod, green when young, disk-like, up to 7.5 cm diameter, broadly winged or rarely slightly keeled, with a thickened central, usually woody or corky seed-bearing portion, with 1-3(4) seeds. Seed kidney-shaped to oblong, usually narrowed and curved near the minute hilum, smooth to undulate, testa brown to blackish, aril, minute. Pterocarpus is based on the Greek words ‘pteran’ meaning a wing and, ‘karpos’ meaning’ fruit.
Description of Rose Wood
SCIENTIFIC NAME: Aniba rosaeodora
Functional use of Rose Wood Timber: The wood has a handsome fine-grained appearance and, once seasoned, maintains shape very well. Used for external construction, furniture including cabinets and stools. Also used in carpentry for doors window frames, decorative paneling, parquet flooring. Gum or resin.
Fruit a compressed indehiscent pod, green when young, disk-like, up to 7.5 cm diameter, broadly winged or rarely slightly keeled, with a thickened central, usually woody or corky seed-bearing portion, with 1-3(4) seeds. Seed kidney-shaped to oblong, usually narrowed and curved near the minute hilum, smooth to undulate, testa brown to blackish, aril, minute. Pterocarpus is based on the Greek words ‘pteran’ meaning a wing and, ‘karpos’ meaning’ fruit.
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